Your Message Matters with Crystal Daye

Your Message Matters

When I wrote my book “Worrier to Warrior: A Mother’s Journey from Fear to Faith” I wrote it with the intention of helping other women who were going through what I went through. Years later it is still impacting people, and connecting me with like minded women just like my guest, Crystal Daye.

Crystal found my book online and was impacted by my story that she had to reach out. Now she’s being featured on my podcast as a woman who is impacting others! Isn’t that amazing?

Don’t underestimate the power of what God is going to do through you and your story. Having a desire to use your gifts and talents to impact others is the first step toward unlocking the power of your story.

A question you might be asking yourself is, is it possible for me? God says that nothing is impossible for those who believe, so it starts with the mindset of believing that it’s possible and that your story matters.

Doing anything of importance, from running a business to writing a book, takes effort; but it also requires support. Surrounding yourself with others who believe in you, and will stand with you, is how you take off the cap of your potential. Having someone to help you through that process and to keep you accountable will help you get to where you want to go.

If you are looking for a community of like-minded women on a mission, consider joining my coaching program Unstick Your Mind.

About Crystal:

Crystal Daye is a dynamic kingdom entrepreneur, award-winning author of 9 books, sought after inspirational speaker, certified Christian life coach and #soldout Jesus Girl. Growing up in poverty and being told she will never be successful; Crystal became resolute to not settle for mediocrity but instead she uses her story to impact lives globally. After living a life of partying, poverty, promiscuity, being abused and struggling with feelings of inadequacy, she encountered Jesus Christ in the midst of her brokenness. Since then, she has committed to living a life of faith, obedience and purpose. She now passionately empowers women to deepen their intimacy with God, discover their identity and use their message to impact lives. Crystal is a Global Book Coach, COO of DayeLight Publishers, Host of the Diary Of A Jesus Girl Podcast and Founder of Empowering Girls Club. Crystals practical anecdotes, vibrant personality, real-life stories and biblical insight keep her in constant demand as a speaker and mentor. Crystal has been featured in Christian Publishing Show, Kingdom-Driven Entrepreneur Podcast, The Gleaner, TVJ, CVM TV, Yahoo Finance as one of the top book coaches to watch in 2021, one of the top 20 Christian Life Coaches in 2022 according to Divine Purpose Magazine. She enjoys traveling, reading, cooking and spending time with her beautiful daughter Christelle.

Connect with Crystal:

Your Message Matters
Your Message Matters


Your Message Matters

Mimika Cooney:
Welcome to the unstick, your mind podcast on Mimika TV. Get ready to get unstuck align with your true purpose and unlock your God given potential.

Mimika Cooney:
Welcome everyone. Welcome back to the show. I’m so excited to introduce you to a new guest today. Now this lovely lady knows more about me than I know about her, cuz she found out about me through my book, which is amazing. Isn’t that amazing? How books are major tools for ministry business. Woo. We gotta love it. Well, let me introduce you today to crystal day, she’s a dynamic kingdom entrepreneur award-winning author of nine books sought after inspirational speaker certified Christian life coach and sold out Jesus girl, growing up in poverty and being told she would never be successful. Crystal became resolute to not settle for mediocrity, but instead she uses her story to impact lives globally. After living a life of party and poverty and pro promiscuity in being abused and struggling with feelings of inadequacy, she encountered Jesus in the midst of her brokenness. Since then, she’s committed to living a life of faith, obedience, and purpose. She now is so passionate about empowering women to deepen their intimacy with God, discover their identity and use their message to impact lives. She’s a, a global book coach, a CEO of daylight publishing her own podcast and this girl is busy. I tell you, she has been pitched on so many different, um, media platforms. Uh, she’s the girl to girl to follow. So I’m so excited to have you on the show. Crystal, welcome to Mimika TV.

Crystal Daye:

Hey, thank you so much for having me. I am excited. I’m excited to have this conversation, um, and you know, just whatever you I’m ready to share with your audience. I think that’s, I’m excited to share with your audience. So let’s go,

Mimika Cooney:

Oh, I’m super excited. And of course, you know, we both love books. We both love Jesus. We both love business and podcasting. So we have a lot in common and we have accents. Everyone has that.

Crystal Daye:
I thought about that. I was got two accent today. So Kingston, Jamaica right now,

Mimika Cooney:
I was gonna say Jamaica and South African. So if this is, this is gonna be interesting for our listeners. You’re gonna have a fun time with deciphering what we say and we talk fast. So you might need to slow us down, but that’s okay because we are super excited about sharing these, these topics and being passionate. When you have that inside of you, like no matter where you come from, you know, that there’s something bigger, especially when God starts to turn up the engine and the volume of what he wants you to do. So I’m excited to dive into this, but before we get into the juicy bit, tell us a little bit about your backstory and how you got into doing what you’re doing today.

Crystal Daye:
So this is probably one of my favorite questions because it’ss me to just share the story and the transformational power of Jesus Christ. So as you mentioned, I currently live in Kingston, Jamaica. I was born here and I tell people I grew up financially poor. So, you know, I was born in a very humble background, you know, but I, I say financially poor because I felt like we were reaching love as a family. I’m the endless of five children. My mom has five, four with my father and she got married and I sister and I just remember growing up one. I remember my father used to always tell me that, you know, I’m special. You know, I will do great things in the world. Um, you know, that’s why they name it crystal. But then sometimes I would say my reality didn’t always line up with, okay, you want to be, be and do good, great things.

Your Message Matters

Crystal Daye:
But financially, you know, some days you can’t go to school because you know, you don’t have a lunch money or there are days that you go to your bed hungry because you have no food and you know, just the poverty. Sometimes it didn’t always feel aligned, but I just remember being very motivated from, I was young to do, to make my family proud and to ensure that we grew come out of the inner city and for us, the inner city is similar to the projects in the us, you know, where a lot of low income families are there. And so I did the right thing. You know, I was very active in school. I excelled in school. I went to college part-time so I worked a full-time job, went to college part-time I got the degree, I got a good job. And you know, I was just making strides of, of course, through that little, you know, through your journey, there are many things cuz like you mentioned, you know, at age nine I was molested at age 16, I did an abortion and you know, I was just very promiscuous.

Crystal Daye:
So it’s almost like a one, person’s a picture part of me like the day during the day, I’m this career girl and focus on school and doing well and you know, excelling career wise. But I would say personally, you know, I didn’t value myself personally. You know, I, I made many bad decisions regarding men and in 2013, so I got baptized in 2009, but I did not like truly, truly serve in my heart to Jesus Christ until after I got pregnant in church in 2011. And in 2013, I just remember this conviction that there was more to life than this. And you know, just acted on that conviction, you know, January the first 2014, I was at a party and I was like, Laura, this is not what I want to do in my life. I, I just feel like there’s so much more and that’s how my journey, my real journey with Christ.

Crystal Daye:
So I got baptized anybody that knows Jamaica knows Jamaica as a very religious country. You know, we, we have devotions in school, I went to Catholic school. So, you know, you have the prior, um, you know, you, I mean, when we go to party, we play gospel music at the end, so we feel better and safe, you know? Um, so it was very religious about that relationship base and it’s almost like a very grace also the grace of God was also very known. So you know that if he did something bad, you can go to God and ask him to, to forgive you. But, you know, I tell people, my true journey started in 2014 where I started to just pursue purpose. And this is where all of this crystal come from, you know, realizing that I have a gift of writing, realizing that I’m a great communicator, you know, I can speak, I teach coaching got introduced and the life I’m living now, the truth is while I’m very, I, I do, I did very well in school and I know that, you know, I could do the doctorate, all of that and Excel, the truth is the impact, the legacy.

Crystal Daye:
And just the purpose that I’ve been able to walk in would not have been possible outside of my surrender. So I stop here.

Mimika Cooney:
I love that. Oh, tell this could be a movie like seriously, it’s so dramatic, but so amazing. And I love that part about how, you know, your life really only began when you found and aligned yourself with Jesus. It’s like, we wonder and we wonder, and we go out and we try this. And, and it’s like that whisper of that voice is always saying, you should be doing something else. Okay. Come and have a look here. You’re in the wrong, wrong room. You need to be somewhere else because that little voice gets louder and louder and believe me, it starts to yell at you when you, you like okay. Time to get aligned. Right. And, uh, I just love that. So, and also your story. I mean, we’ve talked about mentioning, we both love books and we both publish and write books and there are just amazing how, when you look back and you can learn from someone else’s story.

Mimika Cooney:
Yeah. You know, if you are encouraged and you listening to Crystal today, then definitely no, no matter what your situation looks like, there is always a way when you are aligned with, with God. And so for, for our listeners today, like I’d love to dive into some sort of meaty tips of how, like, if they’re feeling like maybe they’re in a job they hate, or maybe they’re, they, they feeling a calling to start a ministry or a business, or they they’re doing all the things they’re busy, they’re running on fumes. They’re burning out, the perfectionist, Polaris overthinking. How do you take those steps? Cause I mean, in your situation, it almost seemed like if someone looking in would’ve said, oh, it’s impossible for you to do anything. Good. Right. How did you do it? Like give us some steps.

Your Message Matters

Crystal Daye:
Yes. I know. I love this question cuz I am I’m I believe in practical Christianity. Right? I do believe that while, you know, we can have these theory of things. I do believe that, you know, Jesus stories, parable, try to tell people, oh, these are the practical things. That’s why you, you know, different parables. So if somebody’s like listening, somebody’s listening, they like, okay, but crystal, I don’t know if this is possible for me one, I’m gonna start with I living Jamaica. right. So most like I’m from a third world country, that the truth is the idea of being paid to speak and coach and these things a few years ago, I didn’t even know what an email is, a block. Like I have clients that I coach now that I’ve never heard about a blog, you understand? And I know in the us, it’s a little bit like it’s different or in the most first world country.

Crystal Daye:
So first I want, if the question that you might be asking yourself, is it possible for me? I go to mark, you know, it says nothing is impossible with those who believe and you, I think it starts by that mindset of believing that it’s not just crystal that is possible for, or it’s not just mimic is possible for, or it’s not just no, like everything that we are doing, no, it started with this mindset that I can do it too. Right. And I want partner. And that’s another thing I think number two would say, you know, it’s a desire to, to use my gifts or to find gifts so that I can use it to impact others. Because one of the things I recognize is that sometimes especially as women, we focus on on, okay, what can I do for me? What can I do for me?

Crystal Daye:
And when you start to ask yourself, what problem can I solve? Right. What am I passionate about? What contribution can I make? Cause I was in this, I was in a nine to five job. I was doing very well. You know, at age 24, I remember based on how I grew up, you know, I grew up in our borders, outside bathroom facility. I mean, you know, and at age 24 I was able to buy my first home apartment. The first time I’m living in a concrete structure inside bathroom. Right. And at I’m no 24, 25, you know, just had a baby. I was engaged to get married. And there was just still this longing and this longing that like crystal, yes, you have accomplished all of these things, but what is the contribution you’re going to make to the world? And for me, it started with, mentoring teen girls.

Crystal Daye:
Right. Because I remember, you know, just as a teen girl, I wasn’t exposed to a lot of things. I didn’t feel like I felt like there was not a lot of opportunities for me. So I wanted to go into the communities that I was a part of. And that’s how my ministry started. Like I literally had a ministry where I mentor two girls and then as I grew, as I gave back, then I started to, to share my story online about the transformational power of Jesus Christ and you know, the things I used to do. And the more I posted, you know, I started to blog and blogs get become viral. And you know, you just start doing little things and this is where I’m at right now. So if I could go back and share, um, specifically, I’m gonna say five steps right now, one is dealing, accepting and believing that it is possible for you.

Crystal Daye:
So working on that mindset portion too, I would say, um, having a desire for more, right? Because a lot of the truth is a lot of women that I’ve met. They talk, they talk to say, oh, you know, I don’t, I’m not comfortable in my job, but when you make a, when you, when you know, it’s a desire when you start Googling solution for this problem, right? So you want to deepen a desire to, to, to do more and to be more, uh, number three, I would say is to know, try to find a problem that you can solve. Right? And you can start little, right? You probably want to, you have, you have, um, had a miscarriage and you just want to encourage other persons who have had miscarriages, right? And you interview persons on a podcast that have had miscarriages or probably you have lost your husband, or, you know, there’s like, there’s endless amount of topics that you can give a contribution to.

Your Message Matters

Crystal Daye:
Um, number four is no find a platform, right. That you cannot create a community around so that persons can see you as an influence in that area and to add your voice in that area. So I would say that, and then I would definitely say number five would be, um, just align your values to whatever you are doing. Right? So we are on a Christian show. So we are bold able to talk about Jesus Christ, but I’ve been invited to platforms where if I, I feel like I’m going to, for example, here in Jamaica years ago, I was invited to speak at the us embassy. Now, based on what I’ve been told about the embassy, you know, I heard that you can’t talk about God, all of that. And I remember when the call, I said, you know, I don’t know if I’d be able, I, I feel comfortable to speak while I won’t push Jesus in your face at all.

Crystal Daye:
Cuz I don’t believe, you know, we should force people to take up Christ. But I do believe that I should be authentic to talk about my story. And I cannot say I could have, I cannot talk about my story without sharing that God was a part of my journey. And you know, they were able to say, no, we have seen you online and we’ve seen what you’re about and we want you to be you. Right. But in initial stage, many persons, when I said, you know, I wouldn’t have accepted it. They felt like, oh no, no, no. So I would say just align your values to whatever you’re doing. So those would be the top five tips.

Mimika Cooney:
Mm love that. I hope everyone was taking notes. Cuz if you have to go back and make some notes, definitely do that. But I love how the first one you mentioned was you need to believe that it’s possible because I think there’s almost like this, what I call a celebrity factor. Oh, it’s good for her because she’s lucky or she’s famous or she’s whatever. But sometimes it’s got nothing to do with that at all. Cuz God is not a respect of persons. He doesn’t show favorites. It’s like, if you are willing, he will use a donkey. Like he, as long as you’re available and say, okay, use what I have. Bring your loaves and fishes, uh, where you are. And I love how it’s like how God is always in instilling in you like something more, right. Something bigger, something bigger. Um, and I think that we are really are in the age of authenticity cuz we can’t continue to be something we’re not. Yeah. And a lot, I know a lot, you know, a lot of my um, audience and clients are always like, well how do I integrate my faith? And without pushing Jesus, this is you be yourself. Like if someone is having a bad day, how do you encourage them? I mean, I’m not saying go and lay hands on them and thought, you know, we we’re depending on where

Crystal Daye:
You. Yes, yes, yes.

Your Message Matters

Mimika Cooney:
But you know, like allowing God to speak through you. And that’s why I feel like where we are. We, we are walking ministry in our businesses, in our workplace. Yes. In our families, in our homes. And I’d love how by putting those, those pieces in the story and like it all comes together. It’s like a little puzzle. Right. And then of course we, we talk about books and platform. Um, and I think that’s, that’s important too is like, when you are ready and you healed and you’ve gone through the process of it, you know, you’ve walked it out, you’ve got rid of the junk in your trunk. You’ve got your mindset. Right? Like, okay, God knows. He will. He’s asked me to do something and I’m prepared to do it. Even if I fear, I feel fearful right. Then we can put all the pieces into place like you.

Mimika Cooney:
And I love the idea of book publishing. And I dunno if you’re gonna talk about this a little bit as a tool because I think I, I come across a lot of, uh, women who say, oh, I wanna be an author. I wanna be a speaker. But sometimes it’s gotta be more to that being an author and a speaker is a tool and it creates your platform. But here we talking about really at the core is your message. So if someone is listening to this and saying, God’s saying, I need you, I want you to write your story, give us a few tips of like, how do they start that process? So just goes from here down to paper.

Crystal Daye:
Yes. Listen, like this is one of my favorite topics talking about, you know, just how your story can be in our book, but that a book that can leave a legacy that sells one, but leave a legacy beyond you. And like you mentioned, I love that you mentioned that the truth is many women just come, oh, I want to write my story. Oh, you know, I’ve been through this and my story so unique. And while I would say, um, yeah, you know, it’s, it’s good to want to write a story. It is more than that because as Salman says, there’s nothing new on the stone. So no matter what experience that you have been through, there’s not much that you can say that have not been said already. What would make the difference is how you see it and what the lesson that you learn from that story that will make the difference. Now I say, if you’re gonna start writing a book, the first thing you want to think about one is who am I writing for? Right. Um, what is it that I want to write about that will be impactful for someone now, even when I say who you are writing for, I want it to be very careful to not say everybody because I tell people all the time

Mimika Cooney:
I wanna help everybody. Like, oh yes. I’m like, Jesus could not help everybody. He needed to get 12 people to help him. And only then you could only reach a few like how I, Jesus can do it. Um, yeah.

Crystal Daye:
Come on now. Come on now. And then also I tell people that the Bible is the most red book, the most spot book, and everybody read the Bible, right. Is the most translated book, right? The longest book and everybody read the Bible. So I don’t know why we think that, you know, our book is going to outlive the Bible. But what we’re saying is that yes, it can be super impactful, but you have to be clear on the problem that your book solve, the solution it’s going to offer. Who is it for? Right. I would also say you want to pay attention to that platform, building that we talk about, right? How are you going to build our rapport? And who are you gonna share the message even before the book comes out, right? Because many of us, we don’t have the major platform as Sarah JX, the nether Lindsay.

Your Message Matters

Crystal Daye:
Right. And even them, it took a while for them to create a community that will want read what you’re writing. Um, so similarly you want to be able to create that, right? Um, I would say don’t make excuses that you can’t because again, as, especially if you’re a woman of faith, you should not be using the word can’t because you have a holy spirit that lives in you that says that you can do all things. It says that greater things that you shall do than Christ has done. Right. So to say that you can’t do it, then you are. I feel like you’re saying God, can’t, you know, um, which is as a woman of faith, you’re saying, God, I can do this through you. Right. Um, the final thing I would say about the book writing process is, are two things. One please heal. Like, especially if you’re writing about your personal story, right? You want to be

Mimika Cooney:
Like, can’t be bleeding on the page, right. Is like,

Crystal Daye:
No, like you’re like my twin. You’re like my twin.

Mimika Cooney:
I know right. It’s like sister from another mother. Cause I and this is the thing is why I want us to just pause here for a second. Why this is important is if you like writing and oftentimes I find women that say, I wanna write my memoir, my story, the first thing is just to get it out on paper. It’s like, you need to like vomit on the page. I know it sounds gross, but clearly you need to get out what’s in, but you’re not ready to share that until you’ve completely healed. Cause what happens is, I dunno if you’ve come across, I’ve read some books where yes you can tell the tone is they’re still bitter. They have got unforgiveness. They’re very accusatory. Those are things that people don’t need to read until you can realize and switch it from a me story to Ave story. Yes. Then you know, you’re ready. So yeah. Let’s definitely do the healing, get the mind in the right position. Like, and you know, you’re ready when you say I need to help someone. Who’s who’s going through what I went through. Yes. As opposed to, I need to share my story because I need, need to validate my story and I need everyone to know what I went through. If you just know where you are at and it’s not good or bad.

Crystal Daye:

Mimika Cooney:
But let’s just make sure, because we want God to speak in us and through us, right? Yes. So we need to make sure our heart and our mind are in the right position. Yes. But yeah. What was the second thing you were gonna say?

Crystal Daye:
I would say, um, especially if you are a personal fate that’s listing, I believe that you should prepare for warfare. That comes now with just writing a book, no matter if you’re at a personal faith or what, there will be the limitations, the mindset you you’ll have time struggle. You, you would probably procrastinate.

Mimika Cooney:
Computer shuts down. Exactly. And then all of a sudden you lose a chapter and you like what the hell .

Crystal Daye:
Yes. But then I believe that as a believer, because your story will leave an eternal impact. There is an enemy. John says, you know, 10 says that enemy out there to kill steel and destroy. So I do believe that believers go through a different level of warfare to get their story out because of the eternal impact that it can have. So I would say prepare for that. Right. I’ve had clients that end up in a hospital that I’ve met accident that I’ve lost, loved one and like lost money. And you know, so like their life were okay until they start writing a book. And a lot of times we don’t recognize that it’s a, actually a spiritual thing. We just, are we just looking at it as the physical basis? But I would say, you know, you want to pray through it. You want to fast through it.

Your Message Matters

Crystal Daye:
You probably need to get a community of people that are also praying with you as you write the book. Right. Um, I would say get help, especially if it’s your first time, you know, get a coach or, you know, somebody to help you through that process and to keep you accountable also. So I would stop there, but don’t underestimate the power of what God is going to do with, and through you through your book. So like mimic says, when I treat about three years ago, I read her book from warrior to warrior. Right. And it was, I don’t remember what I was typing in, um, on kinder, um, probably something about fear, et cetera. And her book came on. I read it, you know, and, and just to see women, I think what Dr. Drew me to her book was a woman of faith. I was in a, a season where I was just looking for more woman of faith, right. That are in business that are been an example. Right. And that’s what drew me to her, but what if she did not write that book? Right. Um, and I mean, I’ve seen reviews of these books and it is impacting lives, like, you know, globally. So don’t

Mimika Cooney:
You having a bad day, just go read your reviews and you will get nasty ones too. Let let’s say that the good was the bad, right? Yes. So as much as we have the warfare and you realize that’s important, like yeah. When you, you know, that the warfare and the hard that you go through, like now the book is still selling four years, almost five years later. And then the people that just say this impacted my life. And I think that’s, what’s so important about this process is when you are on assignment for God, it’s like you put things out in the world and he’s like, okay, great. You’ve done your job. Now. The next stage of however that seed is impacting others, I think is, is so important. So yes, I love that.

Crystal Daye:
Yes. I agree. So I think that, yeah, I’d stop there in terms of book. I don’t want to overwhelm them, but I believe that if you start with those, um, yeah, you can definitely get your book written.

Mimika Cooney:
Exactly. And really what this is all about is really coming back to the concept that the power of your story is, is impactful. We don’t know. Yes. We dunno the end. We will only know when we get to heaven, how many people who’ve actually been impact. And I just think we’re definitely in a season where guys, like, I need boots on the ground. I need willing, able obedience, servants who are gonna just step up to the plate, do the hard, get through it, knowing without naivety that this comes with the cost. So again, I love that idea. Like I wish I had known that when I read my book, like I might my gosh, the delays and I actually got pneumonia while I was finishing BA book. Wow. I’m like, I am gonna finish this book. I don’t. Yes, yes. And I I’d realized, especially cuz I was writing a book on spiritual warfare, ding, ding, ding, Hal should have known that. Right. Um, so using this wisdom and these insights, I think is just amazing for anyone who’s even thinking about going down this route, but your, your story matters like

Crystal Daye:
It Does, even though it’s not new. Yes. It’s, it’s how you can say it, right?

Crystal Daye:
Yes, yes, yes. And that you unique perspective. And one of the things that jump out at me a while ago, as you spoke is to be eternally minded because if you are, um, just focusing on knowing the physical, you will be so discouraged so many times, right? You’ll be your, your emotions and your feelings would say, ah, no, not today. And you know, so you want to be eternally minded in all that you do that. Okay. If I don’t sell 1 million copy of my book, what I sell 100, right. What can that hundred do? Right. Who cannot hundred impact first now I do believe that you should spend time building a platform, marketing a book, et cetera. Right. And I believe that you have a book about building a platform also, right? So I’ve got

Mimika Cooney:
Two books for writers. One is, uh, right. You know, write the right books. In other words, like we talked about, make sure you, you are writing it for somebody for, and for, for a problem you’re solving as well as how to build your platform because you still have to do the things. It’s not like, you know, we get these divine downloads, but we still have to put the boots on the ground. We still have to show up no matter how you feel do the work and you know, the rods do come. So yeah, by being the good and faithful servant, right?

Crystal Daye:
Yes. And I wrote a book about, you know, sell more books in part more lives. And it’s just as, you know, handbook and marketing and book four Christian authors you know, just to give them some tools of how they can market their book. And I do believe that because I’m Jamaica, it was very, it was harder for me to try to get my book on an international platform. Right. But if I can do it, if we can do it, then you can’t and that’s all encouragement for you today.

Mimika Cooney:
Exactly. Well, I love that. I mean, we’ve covered a lot of topics, but at the essence of it all, is that if you’re thinking about it, God’s speaking to you about it. Time to put some, some, you know, effort into actually making the baby steps. It just has to be small. Like even I remember this, some of the books, um, sitting down and trying to write to on a blank page was super stressful. So I would just talk it into, do a voice memo and transcribe it. Like there is a wait as long as we are like kingdom focused. And we know that there’s a greater reason for this. We can put up with the heart, we can, we can deal with whatever, because we know that at the end of the day, it’s gonna be so worth it. Well, I know we’ve covered a lot crystal and we’ve gone through so much and I we’ll have to go back and make some,

Your Message Matters

Crystal Daye:
Yeah, this is a meaty episode.

Mimika Cooney:
Like this is super meaty, lots of tips. So maybe you need to listen to twice and definitely while we are on the, on the topic, go and share it with your friends. Yes. Cause I’m sure I know I have this conversation, a lot of people like, how do you do this? And how do you know? It’s just to share the tools and the actionable steps. So no matter what God’s put on your heart, whether it’s to start a TV show or a, a business or a, a, a ministry, it all starts with just taking action. Right. So yeah, I’ve gotta applaud you for that and congratulate you, for all the wonderful things you’ve done in, in, in spite of all your beginnings. So it can be done. So I’m super excited, but if we had to leave it out at one takeaway tip, if we could wrap it up in one, one way, what would one takeaway tip be full? You’d leave the audience with.

Crystal Daye:
I think I’m going to say that your story matters. I think that’s a tip. Your story matters. Whether you are in corporate, whether you, wherever you are serving your story actually is one of the major tool that you would use to connect with people. Right? People love stories because it reminds them that this life is real and we are walking this life together. So your story matters. So however you feel led to share that story, right? Do not allow the enemy to let you walk in shame and condemnation about anything that you have done, or you have been through or have been done to you. Right. Don’t walk in shame and condemnation. Remember there’s no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Right. But he would, this is it. He will work all things together for those who love him and work all according to his purpose. So your story matters, right? Your story matters. And I want you to just leave this episode to say, my story matters.

Mimika Cooney:
Exactly. Well, there’s some sound soundbites for you. If you need to be able to know what this is and hear that and, and, and know that it’s valuable. I really appreciate that. Well, uh, crystal tell everybody what’s the best place they can find you and get your tools and hear about you and connect with you online.

Crystal Daye:
Okay. So again, thank you so, so much for this conversation, like, you know, it’s just, it’s just always a pleasure to connect with like-minded women. And I just like everything that you were saying, like, you were almost finishing my sentence, like, you know, healing and bleeding. So, I mean, this is just such an amazing episode. I wanna thank you for answering the call, you know, thank you for courageously desiring to share your story with the world and just allowing women like me all from like, where look, how far we are at what we’re able to connect. And for that, I’m truly grateful. Now I’m all over social media. I’m, you know, very active. So you’ll find me on, um, Facebook you’ll find me on Instagram. You’ll find me on LinkedIn as crystal C R Y S T a L S D a Y E. I also have my personal website crystal And I do have my business website, daylight, D a Y E L I G. HT Um, so yeah, you can just reach or connect with me, you know, share this with somebody as you mentioned and yeah, I’m just, once you Google you’ll find me. So again, well, definitely pleasure. Yes. Yeah. We will have

Mimika Cooney:
Click the links, the whatever you platform you’re listening or watching on. We’ll have a little button that’ll link you to the show notes and we’ll connect you with crystal. Make sure to let her know you heard and saw her on Mimika TV and let her know your insights. Like I’d love to know what your thought processes were, your aha, your comments to add those below as well. We’d love to hear from you, but before we wrap up crystal, would you be willing to pray for our audience?

Crystal Daye:

Definitely. You know, even as I speak, I kind of sense that a lot of women are. I think the biggest thing that hinders them is the insecurity of what would people say? What would people, um, you know, what would the reaction be when I share my story and you know, it just from my, my newest book, their insecurity is available. And that was, um, you know, just written from a place of I’m wondering who like, who me, like, why would I share my story? Why would anybody listen to me? And just overcoming, you know, that are insecurity so that I can bold share what the gifts that God has blessed me with. So you can definitely check out that I really do believe is amazing resource because God wrote a book, not me, I’m just a vessel. So in terms of praying, I’m gonna pray from that basis.

Crystal Daye:
So Lord, we call me for, you know, when I put each and every woman that’s listening to this call, and even if they should, you know, with a man, that’s listening my to God, but I pray that you will just be with them MI God, and they’re going out and coming in, even though that many of them are saying, you know, the fear is holding them back or, you know, feeling like a timid MI God, I thank you that your word says that you are not giving them a spirit of fear or condemnation where you’re giving them a spirit of, um, you know, power love and a own mind. So God, I pray that, you know, after listening today that it will give them permission to answer your call father, thank you for your daughter. Who’s hosting this, um, podcast. This TV show might God. I pray that it continues to go to the ends of the, her might God continue to use her, continue to hide just blessings upon blessings upon her MIT God, because of her obedience. And at the end of the day, Lord, I pray that, you know, each and every person that’s listening, this will hear well done well done because we were able to be vessels to bring you glory, to bring you Anna in Jesus name. Amen.

Mimika Cooney:
Amen. Thank you for that. So ever you listening on the, in the carpool, on the treadmill, washing the dishes, make sure to, uh, really just hear that for today. The word that we speak over you and the encouragement for today that you can do it and your story definitely matters and it is worth it. So I gonna say, thanks so much crystal for being on the show and for everyone today, make sure to go and connect with her online. And if whatever platform you’re listening on, make sure to subscribe and leave a review if you’re listening on our audio platforms. And now if you’re watching on our YouTube channel, make sure to click the little be for notifications. So you can hear when the new episodes come up. And this is gonna be super excited. And for more, more freebies that I only give to my newsletter community, go to I always have some free, uh, training as well as you can join our private community where we take conversation offline from these podcasts and really dive into topics. So make sure to go to and connect with us there. But thanks so much, crystal. I so appreciate it. Blessings to you. And I look forward to the wonderful things we’ll do in the future.

Crystal Daye:
Yes. Yay.

Mimika Cooney:
Until next time everyone take care.

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