If you are super driven, you might like to make last minute decisions because you are always on the go.

But here is a thought…

If you were taking a road trip, if you don’t have a destination plugged into the GPS, you can waste a lot of time, money and energy going around in circles.

Either you will run out of gas, or get stuck on the side of the road, or worse – crash and burn.

Neither of these outcomes is ideal.

So how you take back control, is by deciding your goal before you set off on your trip.

The GPS will show you the quickest, fastest and most economical route to get there, while avoiding accidents and the traffic delays.

Being intentional and deciding where you want to go is half the battle. Without vision or direction, we will find ourselves in inaction or taking the wrong wrong action.

Learn more about Intentional Goal Setting on today’s Mimika TV podcast!


Rewiring Your Brain for Personal Growth

  1. Root Causes & Upbringing: Childhood experiences and parental roles play a vital part in shaping behaviors and beliefs. While parents do their best, sometimes their best is influenced by their own challenges.

  2. Dealing with Past Hurts: It’s essential to face past pains and forgive our parents. Doing so empowers us to ensure that when raising our children, we build on their successes and learn from their mistakes.
  3. Addressing Perfectionism: Many people grapple with perfectionism, which can stem from early feelings of inadequacy. Relying on the belief that “done is better than perfect” can be a way to cope.
  4. Intentional Cognition: Being intentional involves stopping and asking ourselves about the origins of our beliefs and patterns. Through introspection, we can identify, challenge, and ultimately rewire toxic thought patterns.
  5. Taking Control: Individuals have the power to shape their destiny. Personal growth comes from taking back ownership of one’s life and decisions.
  6. The Power of Journaling: Writing down thoughts and emotions allows for self-reflection. By doing so, individuals can view their feelings and thoughts from a third-person perspective, leading to growth and self-awareness.
  7. Unlocking Creativity: Allowing the mind to enter a free-flow state, like when doodling or in the shower, can boost creativity and innovative thinking.
  8. Neuroscience and Faith: The passage alludes to a synergy between neuroscience, coaching, and faith-based principles. Together, these can form a holistic approach to personal development and understanding oneself.



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