Einstein says that doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is called insanity. If we don’t want to have the same results, we have to take a different approach.

Failure has taught me that there is always more to be learned. We’ve been taught to fear failure, but there is fruit in the failure if we can think about it another way.

Developing “failure faith” is realizing that I am actually stronger, more mature, and more capable to take on the next challenge, because I’ve learned by building my mistake muscle.

Re-framing our mindset to think that it’s not necessarily failure, but a learning curve is the key. Being teachable and willing to learn from others, and being ready to burn the ships when it is time to move on, will keep the momentum moving.

In our society we hear that giving up is bad. Being persistent is one thing, but sometimes it’s good to give up when you know it’s not working. Sometimes it is better to cut your losses and to pivot in a new direction.

When what worked in the past isn’t working right now, and we have to be willing to to pivot. But we are not starting from scratch because we have the knowledge from our “failures” and experiments.


Failure as Experiments

Entrepreneurship and determination are closely linked. Those who truly want to achieve a goal will always find a way. However, many entrepreneurs mistakenly tie their identity to their business. This can be detrimental, as a business failure might then feel like a personal failure.

Key takeaways:

  1. Separation of Identity: It’s crucial to differentiate between business failures and personal failures. The business may falter, but that doesn’t make you a failure as a person.

  2. Understanding the Open Loop: Just like binge-watching series on platforms like Netflix, our brains become addicted to seeing a conclusion. If we’re continually jumping from one project to another without closure, our brain and even our health can suffer.

  3. The Importance of Closure: Humans need closure in various life events, like weddings or funerals. Similarly, allowing oneself to take breaks and celebrate achievements can lead to rejuvenation and better productivity.

  4. The Evolution of Trust in Business: While there are numerous tools and strategies in the business world, at the core, it’s still about people trusting people. The digital age might have brought various platforms, but genuine relationships and trust remain paramount.

  5. Adapting to Change: In the ever-evolving business world, it’s essential to be adaptable. Sticking to old methods can hinder growth. Being open to new techniques, listening to advice, and changing course when needed can be the key to enduring success.

  6. Back to Basics: With technological advances, while we might feel more connected than ever, many feel isolated. There’s a growing need to get back to genuine connections, much like the tribal mentality of supporting and uplifting each other.

  7. Facing Adversities: In the past few years, the world has witnessed unprecedented changes. Many are not prepared for the swift shifts, leading to anxiety and overwhelming feelings. However, taking charge of one’s life and being ready to work hard can lead to real success.

It’s all about taking responsibility for one’s actions and understanding that external circumstances don’t define happiness or success—it’s our perspective and reaction to these circumstances that truly matter.

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