The Art of Hard Conversations with Lori Roeleveld

Conflict can be uncomfortable. Not many of us enjoy broaching a tough topic of discussion, especially when we have strong opinions.

No matter whether we have to talk about a sensitive topic with a colleague, a child, or a client; how can we navigate a potentially tricky situation without causing the other person to become defensive or blow up?

Author Lori Stanley Roeleveld shares how there is an art to hard conversations that can help us avoid a conflicting situation.

Listen in as she shares actionable tips you can use to defuse any volatile discussion.

[bctt tweet=”The more we know a person the better our conversation has to be effective says @lorisroeleveld on #MimikaTV #Podcast”]

Guest Bio

Lori Stanley Roeleveld is an author and speaker and shares about The Art of Hard Conversations in her new book based on Biblical Tools for the Tough Talks that Matter.

She has degrees in psychology and biblical studies but learned most of what she knows in life’s trenches, raising children and working with families in crisis.

She currently works in Rhode Island with at-risk families or those who have a child with a serious emotional disorder.

Lori’s books include Jesus and the Beanstalk and Running from a Crazy Man (and Other Adventures Traveling with Jesus).


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