Building your Dreams with God with Angela Meer

Do you have dreams and wake up feeling like God was trying to tell you something? We all dream, and if we pay attention to them, they can reveal deep mysteries of what God is trying to share with us. In the bible dreams and their interpretation were a common way of life, and in today’s modern society we have lost touch with their importance. Angela Meer is the founder of The Dream Lab and she shares her tips and advice for making sense of our dream life as a way that God speak to us.

[bctt tweet=”Dreams are God’s way of engaging with our subconscious says @AngelaMeer on #MimikaTV #Podcast @mimikacooney “]

Guest Bio

Angela Meer is a writer, teacher, and former missionary. She has her Master’s in Writing and is currently working toward her Doctorate. Her passion is to see the church of God understand their unique destiny and purpose in life. She runs the Dream Lab, a ministry to Christians to help them hear how God speaks about their destiny in their night-time dreams. Her book #DreamWell: 28 days to Building Your Dreams with God, is equipping believers to go after their God-given dreams in tangible, bite-size chunks. She lives in Northern California with her husband and two adorable cats.


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